Mini Stickers


Mini stickers for your phone, laptop, water bottle and more!

SKU: N/A Category:


You’ll have a hard time deciding which ones and how many!

Put them on your phone, laptop, water bottle and more!

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Mini Sticker

1: Long Island Stripes, 2: Dog, 3: Good Vibes, 4: Float Along Turtle, 5: Sunset Cruise Tri, 6 LI Mermaid, 7: Surf Jeep, 8: LI Euro Tie-Dye, 9: LI Striper, 10: PJ License, 11: LI License Plate, 12: Inertia Wave, 13: Sugar Skull, 14: LI Sunset, 15: Hang Loose, 16: PJ Diamond, 17: Skimmed Paddles, 18: Rec. Wave


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